Employee Performance Appraisals
Big Five Performance Management
Are you excited about your next round of annual employee appraisals?
Probably not. Both research and common sense tell us that this is a very broken process. Forbes reports that half of the employees surveyed don’t trust the feedback they receive or believe that the process helps them improves their performance. Fortune reports that almost 80% of managers believe that it is primarily a compliance exercise (“Can you please summarize all the coaching you have done during the past 12 months on these two pages?” ). Companies devote an extraordinary amount of time, effort, and resources to the process but no one bothers to compute the return-on-investment for the effort. Let's face it, we participate because HR requires it. It's time for a change.
Benefits of Big 5?
The AMPP story
Innovative process meets disruptive technology
HR.com and the Leadership Excellence and Development Forum (LEAD) have awarded NACE International and Big 5 Performance Management with a Winner's Circle Award for Best Executive Coaching Program. This stuff works!