Employee Performance Appraisals

Big Five Performance Management

Are you excited about your next round of annual employee appraisals?

Probably not. Both research and common sense tell us that this is a very broken process. Forbes reports that half of the employees surveyed don’t trust the feedback they receive or believe that the process helps them improves their performance. Fortune reports that almost 80% of managers believe that it is primarily a compliance exercise (“Can you please summarize all the coaching you have done during the past 12 months on these two pages?” ). Companies devote an extraordinary amount of time, effort, and resources to the process but no one bothers to compute the return-on-investment for the effort. Let's face it, we participate because HR requires it. It's time for a change.

Benefits of Big 5?

  • Profitability-Saves organizations time/money improving ROI and driving results.
  • Legal Defensibility- Creates better documentation for HR purposes-- 120 data points per any rolling 12 month period.
  • Communications- Improves both the quantity and quality of team member/manager face-to-face conversations.
  • Focus- Provides managers with a simple tool for improving alignment and accountability, keeping everyone focused on the highest priorities.
  • Awareness- Keeps managers better informed knowing who -is-working-on-what at all times.
  • Ownership- Enables employees to tell-their-story, taking credit for their contributions.
  • Big 5 can totally replace traditional, annual, employee appraisal, saving time/effort for all.

The AMPP story

​The Association for Materials Protection and Performance (formerly NACE International), headquartered in Houston, is the world renowned leader in providing technical advice, training, and certification to its 35,000 member affiliates.​

Since the installation of Big Five in November, 2015:

  • ​The frequency of coaching has increased 38%
  • 95% now agree that they now receive the right amount of coaching
  • Employee Satisfaction has grown 49.8%

Click here to see the full interview

Innovative process meets disruptive technology

HR.com and the Leadership Excellence and Development Forum (LEAD) have awarded NACE International and Big 5 Performance Management with a Winner's Circle Award for Best Executive Coaching Program. This stuff works!

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